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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Modern Warfare 3 Survival Mode

What do you get when you combine Zombies and Gears of War Horde Mode? You get Modern Warfare 3 Survival Mode!!

One can only presume that this will bring Call of Duty up to a competitive level against rival shooter games such as Gears of War and Halo. Granted, Call of Duty already has a huge fan base; but, all they had for multiplayer was...well, multiplayer. Get with it Infinity Ward (and Treyarch as well for that matter!)...where is the campaign co-op?!?! Kudos to Infinity Ward for adding something other than Zombies and Spec Ops. While Spec Ops offered many many hours of fun in trying to beat all the Spec Ops on Veteran, there wasn't a big replay factor in it. At least in Survivor Mode, there are endless hours of co-op fun! 9 out of 10 in my book...add Campaign Co-op and I'll buy stock in Infinity Ward!

What will Survivor Mode bring us? I mentioned before Horde Mode...Survival Mode will be similar with the typical bad guys runnin and gunnin. Remember when I mentioned Zombies? Attack dogs will come later on in the waves when difficulty increases; but, as difficulty increases, those dogs have C4 strapped on as suicide dogs. Juggernauts and helicopters are back as a "Boss Round" for lack of terminology, obviously accompanied by everything experienced up to that point. Sounds impossible right? Nay, Infinity Ward has implemented a currency system where Kill Streak Rewards can be bought to include better guns, ammo, autoturrets, equipment and perks. For backup, you can order air support, air strikes and even an additional squad of infantry. 

I am personally psyched about this new feature/add on to the Modern Warfare series. Unlike other games, there is no wave cap to be reported...which can only mean some impossibly difficult waves!! Co-op up and stay frosty---November 8 Release Date!!

1 comment:

  1. so does this mean that they will have campaign co-op?


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